Right thoughts

Reading Ben Hammersley's thoughts on his workspace, I'm torn between admiration for how deeply he's considered all this and the strong impression that his principal advantage isn't that he's a clever guy who has really put some thought in on this topic, but that he's got some money and is in a line of work where he gets to indulge himself:

So here's irony. If I stare straight ahead right now, all I can see are screens. My new desk, with my new monitor setup, takes up almost all of my field of view, and yet, as luxurious as this is, it's lead me to hours at a time away from screens altogether.

Here's the thing: while for some types of work, two (or, swoon, three) big monitors and some associated ergonomically enhancing desk set up would seem to be the thing, (see Multiple Screens and Devices in an Information-rich Environment, for example), I'm profoundly loathe to sit at a desk all day. I live in Southern California, and there's sunshine I don't want to miss out on.

Moreover the years of following a GTD practice have lead me to realize the power of breaking my work up into chunks of, so to say, right-thing, right-place, right time. Being able to escape one form of computing, and with it, the form of thinking that is implied and enforced by those tools, is a powerful technique. [...]