Season 2 of BBC4's French speculative fiction series Missions has popped up on iPlayer.
I wish it hadn't been so long since the first season aired (May 2018), because while I had a vague recollection of the show's big plot points I'd almost entirely forgotten much about the characters and their relationships, which meant that I spent the first couple of episodes of the second season trying to remember which characters had done what back in 2018.1 After a couple of episodes I'd got my head round what was going on, and I was glad I hadn't gone to the trouble of a full rewatch.
Basically, the story in season two is directly connected to what went on in season one, but it's very clear that humans are, at best, pawns in a vastly bigger story that is nowhere near being explored by the close of season two. Based on what we've seen so far, I have little confidence that season three will suddenly turn this into an interesting story so I think I'm done with Missions.
- Granted, iPlayer still has season 1 available, but I wasn't inclined to do homework for the new season by rewatching the previous season. It wasn't that impressive a show, or one I was all that certain that I'd follow through on once the plot started rolling out. ↩