The Neighbors’ Window

The Neighbors' Window reminds folks who live in big cities and have a clear view of other peoples' apartments of the importance of equipping your apartment windows with drapes. Not to mention, a reminder of how much is going on in the lives of others that you might not know about when you're forming opinions on the comings and goings of strangers you only see from a certain vantage point. Oddly comforting, weirdly.

Is it just part of the price of living in a big city that you're part of the show?1 Was the whole concept of 'plate glass windows' in residential premises just a really bad idea from the start, or was the real problem the moment when using drapes went out of fashion?

[Via, via Storythings #7 ]

  1. Answer, courtesy of the increasing proportion of the human race who live that way: 'From the very start we decided it was a price worth paying.' I understand that argument, but I'm still not buying it.