Like Spotify / Apple Music / Amazon Music, but for nature soundscapes. A nice soundscape while I’ve been at home today. Looking forward to trying it out at work when I’m back in the office tomorrow. [Via swissmiss]
Tag: nature
Fish don’t swim, they’re swum
Matt Webb1 on how human perception limits our understanding of how the world around us really works:2 Fish swim by using the surface physics of their skin to create and exploit low pressure micro vortices in the water. fish somehow exploit the vortices to reduce the amount of energy they need to combat the momentum… Continue reading Fish don’t swim, they’re swum
So, it turns out that hermit crabs might have been responsible for the disappearance of Amelia Earhart: Nikumaroro is home to a colony of coconut hermit crabs: the world’s largest land crab, so called because of its ability to crack open a coconut, manoeuvring a claw into one of the nut’s three eyeholes and prying… Continue reading Hermits