It’d be marvellous if writers about TV could spend a few years never mentioning Lost at the drop of a hat,[note]I enjoyed that show a lot, including the ending, but enough time has elapsed that surely we can stop pretending that every bit of prestige TV is secretly either aping Lost or bravely showing us… Continue reading Of Interest
Tag: speculative fiction
The Program Audio Series
I can’t remember where I heard about The Program Audio Series, but having spent the weekend catching up with the three podcast episodes released so far I’m definitely intrigued. The premise is that episodes are from a future where decades before something called The Program has pretty much taken over the world and governments have… Continue reading The Program Audio Series
I knew that there was a long-standing strain of fandom built around the core concepts of Alien vs. Predator, but I had no idea it was set in stone like this: The centuries old Paisley Abbey had a rather modern new gargoyle added during a refurbishment in the 1990s… — Myko Clelland (@DapperHistorian) June… Continue reading Alien(s)
2001 remembered
Stephen Wolfram, on the legacy of seeing 2001: A Space Odyssey when he was eight years old: It’s hard for me to believe it’s been 50 years since I first saw 2001. Not all of 2001 has come true (yet). But for me what was important was that it presented a vision of what might… Continue reading 2001 remembered
I’m currently playing catch-up with Sense8 in anticipation of Netflix wrapping the show up later this month. Having watched the first episode early last year when I found myself exploring my shiny new Netflix account to see what was on offer, it took me ages to get round to picking up the show again: the… Continue reading Sense8
Don’t Give Up
Coming from the same source as Starships a year or so back, now bironic brings us The Greatest: “Don’t give up.” A celebration of some badass characters of color in recent science fiction, fantasy and horror TV and movies. Made for resolute as part of the Fandom Trumps Hate 2017-2018 charity auction. For what it’s… Continue reading Don’t Give Up
Story idea
James Nicoll shares a story idea with the world: Aliens redone as a struggle between the alien and the ship’s cat to commandeer the ship’s human crew for their own purposes…