The OA reviewed

A couple of weeks ago I finally got round to watching the first season of Netflix’s The OA. I was well aware that it got a mixed-but-respectful response from reviewers at the time, and I’d always had in on my list of shows to catch up with some day. I’ve since enjoyed various reviews of… Continue reading The OA reviewed

The First

I suspect that Channel 4 might be a little disappointed that their screening of The First doesn’t seem to have captured the public’s imagination. I’d seen a couple of reviews after the first episode that tended to lean heavily on the “Sean Penn’s show fails to lift off” line, which is about the angle you’d… Continue reading The First

Weekend TV

Such a good weekend TV-wise. Catching up with a new season of The Good Place was a delight. (Provided you could ignore Ted Danson/Michael’s attempt at an Australian accent when he was posing as a librarian to help nudge Chidi in the right direction at one crucial moment. It’s entirely possible that half a dozen… Continue reading Weekend TV

Of Interest

It’d be marvellous if writers about TV could spend a few years never mentioning Lost at the drop of a hat,[note]I enjoyed that show a lot, including the ending, but enough time has elapsed that surely we can stop pretending that every bit of prestige TV is secretly either aping Lost or bravely showing us… Continue reading Of Interest

Farewell, Saga

I was so pleased to see that after four seasons The Bridge stuck the landing_ so nicely. I’d half expected that the show would end with one of the leads killed off – very possibly having sacrificed themselves to save an innocent victim – but the writers resisted that temptation and instead showed us a… Continue reading Farewell, Saga

Hunks Punch Lunks

Prompted by the release of the first season of The Professionals on Blu-ray a few years ago, Taylor Parkes reminds those of us who grew up in 1970s Britain of [just how strange mainstream UK TV got] as the nation turned to Mrs. Thatcher to save it from the foreigners and lefties who were responsible… Continue reading Hunks Punch Lunks


I’m currently playing catch-up with Sense8 in anticipation of Netflix wrapping the show up later this month. Having watched the first episode early last year when I found myself exploring my shiny new Netflix account to see what was on offer, it took me ages to get round to picking up the show again: the… Continue reading Sense8