The Onion informs us that Jeff Bezos Announces Customers Can Delete All Of Alexa's Stored Audio By Rappelling Into Amazon HQ, Navigating Laser Field, Uploading Nanovirus To Servers:
"[...] assuming you've trained for months in a full-scale model of our headquarters that you built in an old warehouse to plan your exact path through this labyrinth, it's a relatively straightforward matter of uploading the nanovirus and shooting your way out of a building that is rigged to self-destruct within 60 seconds of a data breach." Bezos added that once customers complete this process, they will still need to erase the backup copies of their Echo data stored in the drive he wears around his neck, a task that requires finding him in Amazon's caverns miles below Seattle and fighting him to the death.
So, Jeff Bezos has finally morphed into Hank Scorpio. Good to know...
[Via LinkMachineGo!]