I was so pleased to see that after four seasons The Bridge stuck the landing_ so nicely.
I'd half expected that the show would end with one of the leads killed off - very possibly having sacrificed themselves to save an innocent victim - but the writers resisted that temptation and instead showed us a Saga who had let go of the guilt that drove her to be a detective and seemed to have resolved to try to decide on a different career.
I'll confess that I had a moment of doubt when Saga pulled in while crossing the bridge and went to peer at the grey, choppy sea below, but we left her driving away in her odd-coloured Porsche to a new life doing something she wants to do. Part of me wishes we'd get to see what she does next, but most of me is just glad that such a complicated, troubled character made it to the end of the story with, if anything, fewer psychological scars than she's carried over four seasons. Good work, writers.
One obvious question now is what Saga is going to do with her life if she's no longer going to carry a badge. Given her personality it'd be hard to see her becoming a private investigator and building up a client base: she'd definitely need someone with more people skills to act as her liaison with the rest of the world.[note]I wonder if Nordic crime fiction has a distaff version of Sherlock Holmes for Sofia Helin to play.[/note]
Assuming that Saga is going away for a while, I wonder what sort of stories Henrik is going to tell his daughter Astrid (who, after all, only met Saga briefly and under extremely stressful circumstances) about his best friend Saga while she's away?