Who better?

Vulture asked various screenwriters/show runners to write part of a Coronavirus Episode for their characters.

Michael Schur knows exactly who should be in charge right now…

First of all, Leslie would’ve known the CDC protocols for social distancing already, and they would’ve been instituted within 24 hours of the first reports of the coronavirus in America. […] Ron would be thrilled because now there’s a reason for him to be alone with no one bothering him. But he’d worry about Leslie.

If Leslie Knope isn't available, perhaps Coach Taylor could step in to tell his team what they need to hear.1

A few thoughts on some of the others:

  • Of course Boyd Crowder would be working on a plan to take advantage of the lockdown to pull off a crime. And of course Raylan Givens would know to swing by to remind Boyd of the risk he'd be running if he tried such a thing.
  • I was a bit distracted by the sight of that computer Frasier Crane was depicted as using. Note to readers under the age of 25: that's what we used to call a laptop back before Jony Ive got control of Apple's laptop designs. I was torn between admiration for how much less space a modern computer takes up (and how much more capacity it has compared to that thing) and envy for all those ports and sockets that just won't be found on an equivalent modern laptop, let alone an iPad.

[Via MetaFilter]

  1. I fear Coach Taylor's brand of sincere, highly persuasive oratory only works when you have the scriptwriter on your side, but we can dream.