David Squires shares with the world his take on The Queen’s Gambit: Hungry Hungry Hippos edition: A popular tabletop game that requires considerable guile and skill Has to be said, there’s a small part of me that would have really liked to see this.1 And a large part of me that thinks that take on… Continue reading QG: HHH


A perfect end to the mystery: pic.twitter.com/5q4b87iGKs— 🔸 Richard Starkings 🔸 (@RichStarkings) December 6, 2020 [Via RT by @cstross]

Twenty years on

As usual, Paul Ford’s Web Conversations With the Year 2000, says it better than I can: 2000 me: Wow you still work on the web, that’s amazing. It must be so easy to publish really interesting web pages. 2020 me:Uhhhhh. [Very long pause.] Look, you can pay a low monthly fee and listen to any… Continue reading Twenty years on

COVID-19 Vaccine SE

The Onion reveals that Pfizer Announces First Batch Of Coronavirus Vaccine Will Be Collector’s Edition Limited To 2,000 Doses: NEW YORK—Following this week’s news that the immunization may be 90% effective in preventing Covid-19, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer announced in an advertisement Wednesday that the first batch of its highly anticipated coronavirus vaccine would arrive in… Continue reading COVID-19 Vaccine SE

Joking. Not joking.

Horrifying to contemplate how big a round of applause this would get at the next Conservative Party conference if it was delivered by the right member of the Cabinet: This kind of stuff, filmed in 1980s & early 90s, if released today would be trending on here for days. He died 2014 aged 56. What… Continue reading Joking. Not joking.


I do believe @frankcottrell_b won Twitter today: I propose that every year on this date we celebrate @frankcottrell_b’s tweet with bunting, a day off school and parades where adults dress as whining tax exiles while children throw wet sponges at them. pic.twitter.com/C4DqsgrNgV— The Web of Evil (@webofevil) May 18, 2020 Certainly UK Twitter. [RT by… Continue reading Nostalgia


This is What Peak Hello World Looks Like: Everybody’s done a Hello World program before. But now that I’ve got a few years of experience with the language, I set out to ask one of the most pressing questions out there – how do we make Hello World in C as convoluted and hard to… Continue reading HELLO WORLD

The Machine Stopped

YouTube’s algorithm has been suggesting this video for a couple of days now but I’d been ignoring it until a comment at Charlie’s Diary gave me a nudge towards it. Granted, the Current Situation provides comedians with a target-rich environment,1 so it’s more of a whistle-stop tour than the in-depth charge sheet that some of… Continue reading The Machine Stopped