David Squires shares with the world his take on The Queen’s Gambit: Hungry Hungry Hippos edition: A popular tabletop game that requires considerable guile and skill Has to be said, there’s a small part of me that would have really liked to see this.1 And a large part of me that thinks that take on… Continue reading QG: HHH
Tag: Humour
A perfect end to the mystery: pic.twitter.com/5q4b87iGKs— 🔸 Richard Starkings 🔸 (@RichStarkings) December 6, 2020 [Via RT by @cstross]
Twenty years on
As usual, Paul Ford’s Web Conversations With the Year 2000, says it better than I can: 2000 me: Wow you still work on the web, that’s amazing. It must be so easy to publish really interesting web pages. 2020 me:Uhhhhh. [Very long pause.] Look, you can pay a low monthly fee and listen to any… Continue reading Twenty years on
COVID-19 Vaccine SE
The Onion reveals that Pfizer Announces First Batch Of Coronavirus Vaccine Will Be Collector’s Edition Limited To 2,000 Doses: NEW YORK—Following this week’s news that the immunization may be 90% effective in preventing Covid-19, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer announced in an advertisement Wednesday that the first batch of its highly anticipated coronavirus vaccine would arrive in… Continue reading COVID-19 Vaccine SE
Joking. Not joking.
Horrifying to contemplate how big a round of applause this would get at the next Conservative Party conference if it was delivered by the right member of the Cabinet: This kind of stuff, filmed in 1980s & early 90s, if released today would be trending on here for days. He died 2014 aged 56. What… Continue reading Joking. Not joking.
Reasons not to use Microsoft Teams (number one in a very long list)
My experience of team working from home bears precisely no relationship to this. And yet, I still can’t help but find it entertaining and endearing. So, well played, Apple’s marketing team. Well played indeed.
The truth
One day the truth will be revealed… [Via Memex 1.1]
I do believe @frankcottrell_b won Twitter today: I propose that every year on this date we celebrate @frankcottrell_b’s tweet with bunting, a day off school and parades where adults dress as whining tax exiles while children throw wet sponges at them. pic.twitter.com/C4DqsgrNgV— The Web of Evil (@webofevil) May 18, 2020 Certainly UK Twitter. [RT by… Continue reading Nostalgia
This is What Peak Hello World Looks Like: Everybody’s done a Hello World program before. But now that I’ve got a few years of experience with the language, I set out to ask one of the most pressing questions out there – how do we make Hello World in C as convoluted and hard to… Continue reading HELLO WORLD
The Machine Stopped
YouTube’s algorithm has been suggesting this video for a couple of days now but I’d been ignoring it until a comment at Charlie’s Diary gave me a nudge towards it. Granted, the Current Situation provides comedians with a target-rich environment,1 so it’s more of a whistle-stop tour than the in-depth charge sheet that some of… Continue reading The Machine Stopped