Parallel lives

Veteran tech journalist Charles Arthur has found himself forced to try surviving with just an iPad to get through his daily workload: A couple of weeks ago, I opened my Macbook Pro as usual. The keyboard lit up, as usual. I waited – there’s that pause while the display gathers itself (it’s a 2012 model)… Continue reading Parallel lives

Listen carefully

Skating on black ice sounds amazing – seriously, be sure to listen to that video with headphones turned up to the maximum. I’m sure eventually you get used to the constant audible reminders that the very act of skating across such thin ice is increasing the prospects that the person who follows you will hear… Continue reading Listen carefully

While I was away…

A quick round-up of things I’d have posted about while I was unable to post anything here: Pioneering blogger and techie and general all-round good guy Dean Allen passed away. I didn’t know him personally, but to some degree I, like many others reading his posts at Textism over the years over the years, got… Continue reading While I was away…

I’m back (again! )

So, here we are again. Another change in Content Management System, another switch in the address of my site and RSS feed. Anyone would think I didn’t want anyone to have people keep track of my content. This time I’ve been offline since my venerable Mac Mini started exhibiting signs of an impending hard disk… Continue reading I’m back (again! )