Bra Theory

Logically, there was no good reason why yet another branch of human endeavour shouldn’t fall to the energy of an entrepreneur prepared to apply modern technology and a Can-Do attitude to the problem. That was the theory, anyway: While tailors have figured out a formula for men’s suits, bra tailoring is a younger technology with… Continue reading Bra Theory

Ask and ye shall receive

Following on from yesterday’s post, Ron Moore says all sorts of things about season 2: “You’re going to see things that happened in real life, but happen faster and in slightly different ways,” Moore promised. “So things like the coming of the personal computer, internet, variations on communications and email and cell phones and all… Continue reading Ask and ye shall receive


I completely understand that modern smartphones deliver ridiculously high-quality video recordings and that when you put them in the hands of a professional they can produce impressive results like Snowbrawl… … but can you entirely blame me if I sit here with the thought “Dammit, those phones are expensive: be careful with them!” running through… Continue reading Snowbrawl