Spotted in the Guardian's letters, a reader gives the government credit where it's due:
I am pleased to say I have spotted the first concrete evidence of the government putting its levelling-up agenda into action. While viewing information on my NHS app, I found the guide to foreign travel under Covid regulations, with the following very useful guidance: “Find out what you need to do … to take your pet dog, cat or ferret.” The inclusion of ferrets in this list really does show that the government takes the interests of northerners into account in its policies, don’t you think? Unfortunately, there is no mention of what to do if you want to travel with your ferret down your trousers or up your jumper – but it’s early days, so no doubt they will learn the finer points of ferret-keeping as we go along. Philip Robins Addingham, West Yorkshire
Boris Johnson will probably delegate the travel-with-a-ferret-down-your-trousers demonstration to Michael Gove.