By some margin my favourite read this weekend: Shadows on maps are getting a lot more exciting, and here’s why… As cartographers, we want to make beautiful maps that grab our readers’ attention. Sometimes we wish our maps could jump out of the screen or off the page, and with a recent trend in cartography… Continue reading Mapping
Tag: IT
If only I could spare the cash, this keyboard and case might be the perfect companion for my iPad Mini. Admittedly I have a mere iPad Mini 4, but Bluetooth™ is Bluetooth™ so that could still work, right? At least with my model, I wouldn’t need to worry about finding room for the stylus. [Via… Continue reading Aspirational
Watching the video at Google’s Little Signals site, I was struck by the thought that all these oh-so polite, unobtrusive attempts to replace notifications look fine in a demonstration video but they really don’t scale well. Take the use of a device – shown 1 minute, 15 seconds in – that taps on a solitary… Continue reading Alarmed
Getting [On | Old]
Dan Hon ponders an increasingly important question: I gave in and upped the font size on on my Mac because I’m now not too precious to admit that I need to be able to read things. Which got me thinking: if we’ve got Dark Mode, then what does Old Mode for Internet Olds look… Continue reading Getting [On | Old]
Being Evil
Compare and contrast: Contra Chrome and Scott McCloud’s original.Fair use, to be sure. Can’t imagine why Apple are so disinclined to allow sideloading of apps under iOS/iPadOS, given the number of ways Google/Alphabet Inc. have backed away from the picture they drew1 back in 2008. [Via MetaFilter] Well, Scott McCloud drew, but as a work-for-hire… Continue reading Being Evil
I can’t not look…
The horror! The horror! Submitted by @sbkeebs— Keyboards (@Keyboards_bot) December 13, 2021 [Via jwz]
Public roads, private risks
Dave Winer’s years of experience writing software has prepared him for life as a newbie Tesla owner: I found out in the latest update. I had the temperature in the car set to 65 degrees, the same temperature I have my house thermostat set to. When I got into my updated car, the temperature was… Continue reading Public roads, private risks
After a few months of starting to get my head around what Obsidian can do, interesting to read a take on what it’s capable of from the viewpoint of someone who doesn’t want to build an outboard brain: Not sold on the whole Knowledge Management bandwagon either. I use Obsidian to write everything. I am… Continue reading Obsidian
At last!
Just for a change, a post about someone who found using the Surface Duo 2 to be a life-changing experience: In the final week of semester, I gave my last class lecture. Some might have seen : I teach, I solve problems with digital ink, I also self-produce, switching between multiple cameras and screen share,… Continue reading At last!
Surface Duo (one more time)
Continuing my obsession with Microsoft’s Surface Duo, interesting to read the thoughts of someone who took the plunge after a sharp price reduction: When turned on, the Duo greets you with two separate displays, and that is exactly what you are meant to see. Unlike Samsung’s Fold series that gives you an iPad-ish display when… Continue reading Surface Duo (one more time)