Purple Perfection

Why oh why were we denied the opportunity to witness a Prince guitar MasterClass?

[…] I think the saddest thing about Prince's death is that we never got to see the MasterClass he was supposed to teach. Looking at the leaked script for the YouTube commercial, we can only imagine what might have been. I don't think it's been widely shared, but I have a copy kicking around that I can transcribe. Int. Paisley Park, PRINCE's guitaratorium PRINCE:
This guitar has a thousand strings.

Close-up on neck of guitar. It looks like there are no more than four hundred strings.

PRINCE: (v/o, softly)
Six hundred of them are only visible in the purple spectrum. […]

I mean, I'm fully aware that We Are Not Worthy, but still…

[Insert obligatory link to footage of , complete with his guitar ascending to the heavens.]

[Via MeFi user carrienation's comment on a post about Prince's Super Bowl half-time show at MetaFilter]