Twenty years on

As usual, Paul Ford’s Web Conversations With the Year 2000, says it better than I can: 2000 me: Wow you still work on the web, that’s amazing. It must be so easy to publish really interesting web pages. 2020 me:Uhhhhh. [Very long pause.] Look, you can pay a low monthly fee and listen to any… Continue reading Twenty years on

Not at those prices

I think Nick Heer is being much too charitable to Apple when he says that: So, while I generally agree with Hansmeyer’s suggestions for changes, I have to wonder if these limitations are somehow deliberate, rather than something Apple has yet to change. The touchscreen-oriented interaction model of the iPad necessarily limits its software in… Continue reading Not at those prices

COVID-19 Vaccine SE

The Onion reveals that Pfizer Announces First Batch Of Coronavirus Vaccine Will Be Collector’s Edition Limited To 2,000 Doses: NEW YORK—Following this week’s news that the immunization may be 90% effective in preventing Covid-19, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer announced in an advertisement Wednesday that the first batch of its highly anticipated coronavirus vaccine would arrive in… Continue reading COVID-19 Vaccine SE


I cannot be the only person who read Nominal… Don’t ask why Batman is sad unless you’re willing to give him the time to consult his spreadsheet. … and whose first thought was “Excel is a lousy tool for this.” We’ve all fallen into this trap, but we’ve all regretted it by the time the… Continue reading Nominal

Robot delusions

Courtesy of Medium’s algorithms flagging this as a story I might like, Lost Letters From Cassini reveals the sad truth behind the fate of the Cassini probe: At last the REAL story of the Cassini spacecraft can be told. Read the letters NASA doesn’t want you to see! […] September 15th, 2017 My Dearest Geneviève:… Continue reading Robot delusions