Not at those prices

I think Nick Heer is being much too charitable to Apple when he says that: So, while I generally agree with Hansmeyer’s suggestions for changes, I have to wonder if these limitations are somehow deliberate, rather than something Apple has yet to change. The touchscreen-oriented interaction model of the iPad necessarily limits its software in… Continue reading Not at those prices

Alternate Macs

Macs from alternate timelines courtesy of Dana Sibera. Includes a Mac Pro Mini to die for: Mac Pro Mini— Dana Sibera (@NanoRaptor) May 10, 2020 [Via John Moltz’s Very Nice Web Site]


I realise that it’s hardly news that the iPhone turned out to be a once-in-a-generation/once-in-a-lifetime hit for Apple, but Jason Snell’s chart of a decade of Apple growth really drives home the point. That last chart, in the context of all the ones leading up to it. “Wow!” really is the word. [Via MacSparky]

Ask and ye shall receive

Following on from yesterday’s post, Ron Moore says all sorts of things about season 2: “You’re going to see things that happened in real life, but happen faster and in slightly different ways,” Moore promised. “So things like the coming of the personal computer, internet, variations on communications and email and cell phones and all… Continue reading Ask and ye shall receive


I completely understand that modern smartphones deliver ridiculously high-quality video recordings and that when you put them in the hands of a professional they can produce impressive results like Snowbrawl… … but can you entirely blame me if I sit here with the thought “Dammit, those phones are expensive: be careful with them!” running through… Continue reading Snowbrawl

iPad Borg?

One day I’m going to have to[note]I say ‘have to’ in the sense that Apple’s incessant tweaking of their product lines will once more strand the iPad Mini line far enough away from Apple’s main line of iPads that I strongly suspect I’ll find myself faced with a range of iPad Pro-branded models to choose… Continue reading iPad Borg?


Rui Carmo is, rightly, a little less optimistic than most of the Apple-focused commentariat about the notion that Apple forking iOS to create an iPad-specific variant marks a new era for the iPad: I have a profoundly different take on what “work” means than Federico-like one of my friends said the other day, there is… Continue reading iPadOS

Der Applll

So, do we file a high-profile article like this one under “Affectionate mockery” or “Fukng Hll pple, neveer mindd getting Oprh n stge, SN’T IITT TIIMEE YOU SORTD TTHIS KYBOAAARD OUTT!” Keeyboarrd 101: Mostt lapttops havee keeys tthatt usee a scissorr-swittch meechanism tto prreess down. Sincee tthee ttwo intteerrlocking pieecees arree rreelattiveely ttall, tthee keeys… Continue reading Der Applll

Comment of the day

From a story about the idea that while Apple are moving into producing content directly they are keen to differentiate Apple’s own content from the sort of grittier, adult fare that seems to be a hallmark of the ongoing Golden Era of Television Drama. In particular: Apple CEO Tim Cook reportedly killed a semi-autobiographical drama… Continue reading Comment of the day