Killing IE6

Settle down and enjoy a little bit of history: The bittersweet consequence of YouTube’s incredible growth is that so many stories will be lost underneath all of the layers of new paint. This is why I wanted to tell the story of how, ten years ago, a small team of web developers conspired to kill… Continue reading Killing IE6


ArchiveBox looks like something I’m going to have to find the time to look into: ArchiveBox takes a list of website URLs you want to archive, and creates a local, static, browsable HTML clone of the content from those websites (it saves HTML, JS, media files, PDFs, images and more) You can use it to… Continue reading ArchiveBox

Civilisational HTTP Error Codes

There’s no substitute for thinking ahead. Who can say when we might need these HTTP error codes for civilisational errors: Civilisational HTTP Error Codes To be truly useful, HTTP error codes need to take into account possible future issues. We therefore propose the 8xx range of codes for errors pertaining to the civilisation in which… Continue reading Civilisational HTTP Error Codes


Not one but two announcements that remind me how long I’ve been playing round with this internet thing and how times have changed: And Baio confirms that this time it looks as if’s content has finally been ousted from the domain where it lived when it was, truly, the best damn ‘zine on the… Continue reading Memories


Having caught up with Kashmir Hill’s Gizmodo piece ‘People You May Know:’ A Controversial Facebook Feature’s 10-Year History, I’m both supremely glad that I’m not on Facebook [note]I was briefly a member a few years ago for as long as it took me to conclude that I didn’t need any of the services they were… Continue reading PYMK