Twenty years on

As usual, Paul Ford’s Web Conversations With the Year 2000, says it better than I can: 2000 me: Wow you still work on the web, that’s amazing. It must be so easy to publish really interesting web pages. 2020 me:Uhhhhh. [Very long pause.] Look, you can pay a low monthly fee and listen to any… Continue reading Twenty years on

Not at those prices

I think Nick Heer is being much too charitable to Apple when he says that: So, while I generally agree with Hansmeyer’s suggestions for changes, I have to wonder if these limitations are somehow deliberate, rather than something Apple has yet to change. The touchscreen-oriented interaction model of the iPad necessarily limits its software in… Continue reading Not at those prices

Surface Duo (again)

I have to confess that I’m fascinated by the slow reveal of Microsoft’s Surface Duo, as reviewers have had to negotiate two separate embargoes on the reveal of first the hardware1 and then the software. 2 Part of me really hopes Microsoft have the deep pockets 3 and the patience 4 to pull off creating… Continue reading Surface Duo (again)

Surface Duo

I have a feeling that lots of people are going to be confused by the Surface Duo once it gets out into the market: I am confused. Microsoft did a press blitz for their Surface Duo device this week and… I don’t understand anything. About the product. The strategy. The goal. Look, I think the… Continue reading Surface Duo

Paper PCs

For readers of a certain age, these paper PCs are tremendously nostalgic, reminders of great computing times past. Let the nitpicking1 commence.2 [Via MetaFilter] It feels to me that the keyboards on most of these come off as far too bulky. The Atari 520ST looks very good – the slant in the floppy disks and… Continue reading Paper PCs


Good advice, doomed to be wasted on folks who just want a quick, easy solution that lets them move on to the next item on their To Do list… I cringe when I hear self-proclaimed experts implore everyone to “use a password manager for all your passwords” and “turn on two-factor authentication for every site… Continue reading Secure

ASCII art in code

I’m more than a little in awe of some of the pieces of work laid out in Explaining Code using ASCII Art. Fine work by all involved. [Via Accidental Tech Podcast]


Geoff Manaugh opens his story about spending six months following round a professional safecracker with an image that might have been hand-crafted to get my attention: The house was gone, consumed by the November 2018 Woolsey Fire that left swaths of Los Angeles covered in ash and reduced whole neighborhoods to charcoaled ruins. Amidst the… Continue reading Safe?

Before the smartphone

Coming soon (with any luck) to a screen near you: General Magic, A Documentary Feature: Judging by the trailer, John Sculley is not going to come out of this smelling of roses. General Magic, the upcoming documentary, is a tale of how great vision and epic failure can change the world. The film features members… Continue reading Before the smartphone


Note to self: if you’re going into business with David Heinemeier Hansson have all your ducks lined up and know what you’re doing. Because otherwise, he’ll end up calling you out for your failings online: […] Now I’ve ended up writing a long tirade, and I completely accept that some people might gag with summary… Continue reading Professionalism