Time capsules

I trust the UK’s Office for National Statistics will shamelessly borrow the idea of a Time capsule from their counterparts in Central Statistics Office Ireland: Your Census 2022 household form has a new feature – the Time Capsule. The Time Capsule is a dedicated space at the end of the census form for you to… Continue reading Time capsules

A professional

Towards the end of the discussion at MetaFilter of the announcement about Bruce Willis, a delightful reminder of just how much fun Moonlighting was, back at its’ peak. As Mchelly put it: the “least-Bruce Willis-ever Moonlighting clip” Bruce Willis may not have been a dancer by trade, but he was a professional who got the… Continue reading A professional

Revealed preferences

The tale of how the original Mac take on a calculator program was designed is fascinating: After playing around for a while, [Chris Espinosa] came up with a calculator that he thought looked pretty good. But the acid test was showing it to Steve Jobs, in his role as our esthetic compass, to see what… Continue reading Revealed preferences

A new angle

Not exactly breaking news about climate change, but unquestionably a neat way to visualise recent temperature changes: The visualization presents monthly global temperature anomalies between the years 1880-2021. These temperatures are based on the GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP v4), an estimate of global surface temperature change. Anomalies are defined relative to a base period… Continue reading A new angle

Good Law?

The Good Law Project poses a simple question about how senior UK government ministers have used their personal email systems for official business in recent years: [Why…] would Ministers choose to use personal accounts rather than official channels? They seem to believe this is a loophole to avoid scrutiny. If politicians think they can evade… Continue reading Good Law?

Some people

Let’s see how long it takes for Amazon Go-style technologies to spread to other retailers. How long will it take for the rest of us to learn from the attitudes of … some people. (Normally my reaction would be that it’ll be a long time before such technologies get deployed anywhere I regularly shop, but… Continue reading Some people


Having subscribed to STARZPLAY so I could watch Station Eleven – a very good decision, as it turned out – I’ve decided to compensate for the impending gap in my viewing schedule once Station Eleven ends by catching up with a slightly older show streaming via the same service, Counterpart. As I hoped would happen… Continue reading Counterparts