On Foundation

Good to see Paul Krugman weigh in with his thoughts on the TV adaptation of Asimov’s Foundation series: “Foundation” might seem unfilmable. It mostly involves people talking, and its narrative inverts the hero-saves-the-universe theme that burns many acres of CGI every year. The story spans centuries; in each episode everything appears to be on the… Continue reading On Foundation


And so it begins: Influential sf sequence by Isaac Asimov (whom see for fuller discussion), initially a trilogy beginning with Foundation (May 1942-October 1944 Astounding; fixup 1951; cut vt The 1,000 Year Plan 1955 dos), in which Psychohistory predicts the fall of a Galactic Empire and points the way to a newer, more stable organization… Continue reading Foundation


So, how does stack up when you compare it to ? A difficult question at this stage, before we’ve got to see what their stories involve. Clearly this will require further, in-depth study. [Via The Verge]

Missions season 2

Season 2 of BBC4’s French speculative fiction series Missions has popped up on iPlayer. I wish it hadn’t been so long since the first season aired (May 2018), because while I had a vague recollection of the show’s big plot points I’d almost entirely forgotten much about the characters and their relationships, which meant that… Continue reading Missions season 2


At last, we have a : Given that it’s a ten-part series that we still know very little about, it’s difficult to form a coherent opinion on what turns out to be a series of very brief, context-free clips from what will presumably be an epic, expensive show. It’ll give all us geeks something to… Continue reading Foundational

Varley’s Worlds

Cory Doctorow brings sad news that John Varley, a writer whose work from the 1970s onwards gave me faith that the world of speculative fiction was not doomed to be swallowed by interminable multi-volume epic sagas about future galactic empires and their fall, has been having health problems. John Varley, a beloved, versatile, funny, and… Continue reading Varley’s Worlds

Time travel

I really wish I’d read Craig Mod’s piece on The Healing Power of JavaScript earlier: [As we join the story, Mod has decided to use some of the time afforded him by the pandemic to rebuild his personal web site…] In that spirit, as I moved my homepage I also rebuilt it as a so-called… Continue reading Time travel