The Neighbors’ Window

The Neighbors’ Window reminds folks who live in big cities and have a clear view of other peoples’ apartments of the importance of equipping your apartment windows with drapes. Not to mention, a reminder of how much is going on in the lives of others that you might not know about when you’re forming opinions… Continue reading The Neighbors’ Window

Purple Perfection

Why oh why were we denied the opportunity to witness a Prince guitar MasterClass? […] I think the saddest thing about Prince’s death is that we never got to see the MasterClass he was supposed to teach. Looking at the leaked script for the YouTube commercial, we can only imagine what might have been. I… Continue reading Purple Perfection

Fruit CGI

ÖBST •• Fruit CGI poses the question: “How would fruits move if they could?” It’s the sound that affects me, more than it is the animation. I may never look at a bowl of fruit the same way again. [Via MeFi user cortex, via MetaFilter]


So, it turns out that hermit crabs might have been responsible for the disappearance of Amelia Earhart: Nikumaroro is home to a colony of coconut hermit crabs: the world’s largest land crab, so called because of its ability to crack open a coconut, manoeuvring a claw into one of the nut’s three eyeholes and prying… Continue reading Hermits

Inclusive Components

If my job involved web development, I’d be inclined to get hold of a copy of Heydon Pickering’s Inclusive Components: The Book. Taking the entry on A Content Slider, we start with this… Carousels (or ‘content sliders’) are like men. They are not literally all bad — some are even helpful and considerate. But I… Continue reading Inclusive Components

Forking good

In the end, The Good Place ended on a very satisfying final note. (Lovely moment towards the end when now-human Michael ended up getting guitar lessons from his real-life wife Mary Steenburgen. Even better moment when wannabe architect Tahani Al-Jamil earned praise for her construction skills from Nick Offerman.) They stuck the landing. Applause (between… Continue reading Forking good