
If only I could spare the cash, this keyboard and case might be the perfect companion for my iPad Mini. Admittedly I have a mere iPad Mini 4, but Bluetooth™ is Bluetooth™ so that could still work, right? At least with my model, I wouldn’t need to worry about finding room for the stylus. [Via… Continue reading Aspirational

Leadership stakes

Marina Hyde: The good news: Johnson’s on the way out. The bad news: look who’s on the way in… “Suella Braverman: Literally might as well run for leadership of Starfleet. Or Mensa.” Harsh, but fair.

The Dalek Invasion of Westminster

Hard to disagree: I miss the days when the only reason a British PM had to suddenly replace 40 ministers is because they were disintegrated in the latest Dalek attack.— James Davis Nicoll (@jamesdnicoll) July 7, 2022

Just watch

Follow the link and watch the .GIFs. The pumpkin toadlet, which is a frog but not a toad, is so terrible at landing its jumps that its sheer incompetence has become a subject of scientific inquiry. Very possibly the best thing on the internet today, by any reasonable standard. [Via MetaFilter] Like Spotify / Apple Music / Amazon Music, but for nature soundscapes. A nice soundscape while I’ve been at home today. Looking forward to trying it out at work when I’m back in the office tomorrow. [Via swissmiss]

The World’s Most Satisfying Checkbox is a checkbox you’ve just checked off

For all that I’m not particularly excited by the story of The World’s Most Satisfying Checkbox,1 I’m glad that stories are being written illustrating the latest swing of the pendulum away from the trend for flat design.2 I’m making a note of this here on my decidedly old school tech blog. We have so much… Continue reading The World’s Most Satisfying Checkbox is a checkbox you’ve just checked off

No comment required

Oops: I read on the web that “Yves Saint Laurent Beauté Makes a Daring Step into web3.” Oh really. So I went to their glorious web3 adventure only to find — ooops. If it had worked I am told that I might get a YSL Beauty NFT. “Acting as a recognition token of the community… Continue reading No comment required


A couple of years ago I posted about reading Incorruptible, a Peter Watts story from the X-Prize’s Seat 14C competition1. I was pleased to find earlier today that a couple of years ago the DUST podcast/film network put out audio adaptations2 of some of the stories from the competition. Unfortunately Incorruptible wasn’t one of the… Continue reading Archived


David Friedman has had enough: A few weeks ago, on April 14th, the theme of the New York Times crossword puzzle was “keming.” I think it’s time we talk seriously about elevating that word from internet joke and finally adding it to the dictionary. To that end, I’ve started a petition imploring Merriam-Webster to add… Continue reading Keming

Guitar Heroism

It’d be interesting to know the demographics of folks who read the New York Times opinion piece on Why We Can’t Quit the Guitar Solo: It’s easy to dismiss the guitar solo as an outdated, macho institution. The shredding lead guitar, once ubiquitous in rock music, can now feel like a relic of a bygone… Continue reading Guitar Heroism