By some margin the biggest laugh I’ve had all day. [Via Quick Links]
Tag: Humour
Who better?
Vulture asked various screenwriters/show runners to write part of a Coronavirus Episode for their characters. Michael Schur knows exactly who should be in charge right now… First of all, Leslie would’ve known the CDC protocols for social distancing already, and they would’ve been instituted within 24 hours of the first reports of the coronavirus in… Continue reading Who better?
You might imagine that a story that included the phrase… “My partner took me to the hospital that she works in because she wanted all her colleagues to laugh at me.” … would be mean or cruel, but as you follow Dr Daniel Reardon’s story it just gets funnier and funnier. Our hero takes what… Continue reading Magnetism
Purple Perfection
Why oh why were we denied the opportunity to witness a Prince guitar MasterClass? […] I think the saddest thing about Prince’s death is that we never got to see the MasterClass he was supposed to teach. Looking at the leaked script for the YouTube commercial, we can only imagine what might have been. I… Continue reading Purple Perfection
Don’t do it…
There’s no denying it: this xkcd speaks to something deep in my soul.
I know I’ve read Wikihistory before a few years ago, but I was reminded of it earlier today and it’s definitely funny enough to be worth posting here: International Association of Time Travelers: Members’ Forum Subforum: Europe – Twentieth Century – Second World War Page 263 11/15/2104 At 14:52:28, FreedomFighter69 wrote: Reporting my first temporal… Continue reading Wikihistory
On the bright side…
Positively the only good thing about recent political developments in the UK is that they’re going to give Marina Hyde tons of new material: […] Arguably this morning’s most amusing development was Helen Grant resigning as Tory vice-chair to openly support Dominic Raab. Is this the same Dominic Raab who resigned in protest at a… Continue reading On the bright side…
Der Applll
So, do we file a high-profile article like this one under “Affectionate mockery” or “Fukng Hll pple, neveer mindd getting Oprh n stge, SN’T IITT TIIMEE YOU SORTD TTHIS KYBOAAARD OUTT!” Keeyboarrd 101: Mostt lapttops havee keeys tthatt usee a scissorr-swittch meechanism tto prreess down. Sincee tthee ttwo intteerrlocking pieecees arree rreelattiveely ttall, tthee keeys… Continue reading Der Applll
Civilisational HTTP Error Codes
There’s no substitute for thinking ahead. Who can say when we might need these HTTP error codes for civilisational errors: Civilisational HTTP Error Codes To be truly useful, HTTP error codes need to take into account possible future issues. We therefore propose the 8xx range of codes for errors pertaining to the civilisation in which… Continue reading Civilisational HTTP Error Codes
Challenge Failed
Please, be sure to watch this right to the end. The soundtrack he’s playing while he psyches himself up is just exquisite! Leaving this right here — gascoigne (@serenjty) January 12, 2019