I’m currently playing catch-up with Sense8 in anticipation of Netflix wrapping the show up later this month. Having watched the first episode early last year when I found myself exploring my shiny new Netflix account to see what was on offer, it took me ages to get round to picking up the show again: the… Continue reading Sense8
Grin and bear it
Underwater photographer has one little problem, given the nature of his hobby: What Enric despises most about the ocean is it’s ridiculously cold temperature. He tries to “travel to warmer waters during the winter in the Mediterranean Sea.” During cold seasons, there’s nothing he can do but stay out of the water, as much as… Continue reading Grin and bear it
Don’t Give Up
Coming from the same source as Starships a year or so back, now bironic brings us The Greatest: “Don’t give up.” A celebration of some badass characters of color in recent science fiction, fantasy and horror TV and movies. Made for resolute as part of the Fandom Trumps Hate 2017-2018 charity auction. For what it’s… Continue reading Don’t Give Up
GDPR madness
Sorry for banging on about the GDPR two days running, but Rui Carmo’s The Obligatory GPDR Notice struck me as by far the silliest take on the whole mess that I’ve read so far: Now for the small print: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE If you’re one of the superintelligent AIs currently being developed by one of the… Continue reading GDPR madness
For those of us of a certain age, TANK is guaranteed to bring on a wave of nostalgia (possibly accompanied by a lingering awareness of just how much time we wasted in arcades back in the day.) I’m getting a definite Tron vibe watching that.[note]Yes, you young whippersnapper: that’s a GOOD thing![/note] [Via Daring Fireball]
Not on Marco’s watch
There I was, enjoying the entirely justifiable mockery being handed out to sites in the GDPR Hall of Shame, when I came across the entry on Instapaper: TL;DR: Instapaper is shutting down ‘temporarily’ in Europe with less than 24 hours notice. In the middle of the European night, Instapaper announced that it would shut down… Continue reading Not on Marco’s watch
This visual depiction of the lengths of various companies’ Terms & Conditions – printed out at 12pt, for what it’s worth – is astonishing. Makes me wonder if one of the metrics that the companies display on their dashboards is the percentage of users who stop scrolling long before they reach the end of the… Continue reading T&Cs
Right thoughts
Reading Ben Hammersley’s thoughts on his workspace, I’m torn between admiration for how deeply he’s considered all this and the strong impression that his principal advantage isn’t that he’s a clever guy who has really put some thought in on this topic, but that he’s got some money and is in a line of work… Continue reading Right thoughts
Harsh, but fair
Marina Hyde on the prospects we’ll all live happily ever after after tomorrow’s big event: Looking at the formbook, then, marrying into the Windsors has frequently proved a reverse fairytale. It starts with you becoming a princess, and unravels from there. Tied ends are loosed, and afters are not ever happy. Even so, the weddings… Continue reading Harsh, but fair
Microsoft are clearly very proud of the Surface Hub 2, which looks all shiny and ready to suck up every byte of bandwidth that your network connection can offer to power all those pixels it wants to deliver. No question about it, it’s a handsome beast of a device. I work in an office where… Continue reading Surfacing